WSL2 Woes: Conquering the “Error out of memory” nemesis when training LLMs with Python
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WSL2 Woes: Conquering the “Error out of memory” nemesis when training LLMs with Python

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck in the trenches of WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2) with a Python script that refuses to cooperate. The error message “Error out of memory at line 383 in file /src/csrc/pythonInterface.cpp” has been taunting you, and you’re on the brink of throwing your coffee mug at the screen. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to vanquish this memory-hungry beast and get your Large Language Model (LLM) training back on track!

The Culprit: Resource Constraints in WSL2

The Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) is an incredible tool for running Linux environments on Windows, but it’s not without its limitations. One of the main culprits behind the “Error out of memory” issue is the restricted resources allocated to WSL2 by default. Yes, you read that right – default. By default, WSL2 is configured to use a fixed amount of memory, which can be a major bottleneck for memory-intensive tasks like training LLMs.

Understanding Memory Allocation in WSL2

Component Memory Allocation
WSL2 Fixed (50% of system RAM)
Linux Distro (Ubuntu, etc.) Dynamic (within WSL2 allocation)
Python Script (LLM training) Dynamic (within Linux Distro allocation)

As you can see, there are multiple layers of memory allocation at play here. WSL2 takes a fixed chunk of system RAM, and within that, the Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu) dynamically allocates memory as needed. Finally, your Python script (LLM training) also requests memory from the Linux distribution’s pool. This hierarchical structure can lead to memory bottlenecks, especially when dealing with resource-intensive tasks.

Solution 1: Adjust WSL2 Memory Allocation

One way to tackle the “Error out of memory” issue is to increase the memory allocation for WSL2. You can do this by editing the `.wslconfig` file in your Windows user profile directory:

: C:\Users\\ .wslconfig


Update the `memory` value to a higher number (e.g., 16GB) and save the file. This will allocate more memory to WSL2, effectively increasing the available memory for your Linux distribution and Python script.

Solution 2: Optimize Python Script and LLM Training

Sometimes, the issue lies not with WSL2 or Linux, but with the Python script itself. Here are some optimization techniques to help reduce memory usage:

  • Batch Size Reduction: Decrease the batch size in your LLM training script to reduce memory usage. This might impact training speed, but it can help mitigate the “Error out of memory” issue.
  • Gradient checkpointing: Implement gradient checkpointing to reduce the memory required for gradients. This can be done using libraries like `torch` or `transformers`.
  • Model pruning: Apply model pruning techniques to reduce the model size and, consequently, memory usage.
  • Data Loading Optimization: Optimize data loading by using efficient data loading libraries like `dataloader` or ``.

By applying these optimizations, you can reduce the memory requirements of your Python script and LLM training, making it more feasible to run within the WSL2 environment.

Solution 3: Use a More Efficient LLM Training Library

Some LLM training libraries are more memory-efficient than others. If you’re using a resource-hungry library, consider switching to a more optimized alternative:

  • Hugging Face Transformers: This library provides an optimized implementation of popular LLMs, often with improved memory efficiency.
  • PyTorch-Transformers: This library offers a PyTorch-based implementation of LLMs, which can be more memory-efficient than other libraries.

Keep in mind that switching libraries might require modifications to your existing code, but it could be worth the effort if it resolves the “Error out of memory” issue.

Solution 4: Run LLM Training on a More Powerful Machine

If all else fails, it might be time to consider running your LLM training on a more powerful machine with increased resources (RAM, GPU, etc.). This could be a cloud-based instance, a virtual machine, or even a dedicated server. By offloading the resource-intensive task to a more capable machine, you can avoid the WSL2 memory constraints altogether.


In conclusion, the “Error out of memory at line 383 in file /src/csrc/pythonInterface.cpp” issue can be a frustrating hurdle in WSL2 when training LLMs with Python. However, by adjusting WSL2 memory allocation, optimizing your Python script and LLM training, using more efficient libraries, or running on a more powerful machine, you can overcome this obstacle and successfully train your Large Language Models.

Remember, WSL2 is a powerful tool that can be a game-changer for developers, but it requires careful configuration and optimization to unlock its full potential. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the “Error out of memory” nemesis and achieving LLM training success in WSL2.

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling to train a large language model (LLM) with Python script on WSL2 and encountering the frustrating “Error out of memory at line 383 in file /src/csrc/pythonInterface.cpp”, then you’re in the right place! Below are the answers to the most frequently asked questions that will help you overcome this hurdle.

Q1: What causes the “Error out of memory” issue in WSL2?

The “Error out of memory” issue in WSL2 occurs when the system runs out of RAM to allocate to the process. This is often due to the large memory requirements of training a large language model (LLM). WSL2 has a limited amount of RAM allocated to it, which can lead to this issue.

Q2: How can I increase the memory allocation for WSL2?

You can increase the memory allocation for WSL2 by modifying the `.wslconfig` file. Create a new file named `.wslconfig` in your user directory (e.g., `C:\Users\username\.wslconfig`) and add the following lines: `[wsl2] memory=16GB` (adjust the memory value according to your system’s capabilities). Then, restart your WSL2 instance.

Q3: Can I use a smaller model to avoid the memory issue?

Yes, using a smaller model is a viable option to avoid the memory issue. You can experiment with smaller models or reduce the batch size to lower the memory requirements. However, keep in mind that smaller models may not achieve the same level of performance as larger models.

Q4: Is there a way to use a GPU to accelerate training and reduce memory usage?

Yes, using a GPU can significantly accelerate training and reduce memory usage. Make sure you have a compatible GPU and install the necessary drivers. You can then use a GPU-accelerated library like TensorFlow or PyTorch to train your LLM. This will offload the computationally intensive tasks to the GPU, reducing the memory load on the CPU.

Q5: What if I’m still encountering memory issues despite trying the above solutions?

If you’re still encountering memory issues, it’s worth exploring other options, such as using a cloud-based service like Azure, Google Colab, or AWS SageMaker, which provide more computing resources and can handle larger models. Alternatively, you can consider distributed training, where multiple machines work together to train the model, splitting the memory requirements.

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