Do Push Notifications make Websockets obsolete for a chat app with Flutter?
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Do Push Notifications make Websockets obsolete for a chat app with Flutter?

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As a mobile app developer, have you ever wondered if push notifications can replace WebSockets for a chat app built with Flutter? Well, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of real-time communication and explore the roles of WebSockets and push notifications in a chat app. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each approach and help you decide whether push notifications make WebSockets obsolete for your Flutter-based chat app.

What are WebSockets?

WebSockets are a bi-directional communication protocol that enables real-time communication between a client (usually a web browser or mobile app) and a server. They provide a persistent, low-latency connection, allowing for efficient communication in both directions. WebSockets are widely used in real-time applications, such as live updates, gaming, and, of course, chat apps.

// Establish a WebSocket connection
final channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect('wss://');

// Send a message to the server
channel.sink.add('Hello, server!');

// Receive a message from the server {
  print('Received message: $message');

What are Push Notifications?

Push notifications are a way to send messages from a server to a client, even when the client is not actively engaged with the app. They’re commonly used to notify users of new messages, updates, or events. Push notifications are usually implemented using a third-party service, such as Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) or Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).

// Register for push notifications
final fcmToken = await FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken();

// Send a push notification from the server
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'key=$SERVER_KEY',
  body: jsonEncode({
    'to': fcmToken,
    'notification': {
      'title': 'New message',
      'body': 'You have a new message!',

When to Use WebSockets

WebSockets shine in scenarios that require real-time, bi-directional communication. They’re perfect for:

  • Real-time updates**: WebSockets enable instant updates, making them ideal for applications that require immediate feedback, such as live scores, stock prices, or chat apps.
  • Persistent connections**: WebSockets maintain a persistent connection, allowing for efficient communication and reducing the overhead of establishing new connections.
  • Low-latency communication**: WebSockets provide a low-latency connection, making them suitable for applications that require fast response times, such as gaming or live streaming.

When to Use Push Notifications

Push notifications are best suited for scenarios where you need to notify users of events or updates when they’re not actively using the app. They’re ideal for:

  • Background notifications**: Push notifications allow you to reach users even when they’re not actively engaged with the app, making them perfect for notifications, reminders, or updates.
  • Server-initiated communication**: Push notifications enable the server to initiate communication with the client, without requiring the client to actively query the server.
  • Scalability**: Push notifications can handle a large volume of messages, making them a scalable solution for applications with a large user base.

Do Push Notifications Make WebSockets Obsolete?

Now that we’ve explored the roles of WebSockets and push notifications, let’s address the question: do push notifications make WebSockets obsolete for a chat app with Flutter?

The answer is a resounding no. While push notifications are excellent for notifying users of new messages or events, they’re not a replacement for WebSockets in a chat app. Here’s why:

  • Real-time communication**: WebSockets provide real-time, bi-directional communication, which is essential for a seamless chat experience. Push notifications, on the other hand, are meant for one-way, server-initiated communication.
  • Message delivery guarantees**: WebSockets ensure that messages are delivered in real-time, with guarantees about message order and delivery. Push notifications, while reliable, don’t offer the same level of guarantee.
  • Chat app requirements**: A chat app requires a level of interactivity and immediacy that push notifications can’t provide. WebSockets, with their persistent connection and low-latency communication, are better suited for this type of application.

Hybrid Approach: Using WebSockets and Push Notifications Together

So, what’s the best approach for a chat app with Flutter? The answer lies in a hybrid approach that leverages both WebSockets and push notifications.

Use WebSockets for:

  • Real-time communication between users
  • Bi-directional messaging
  • Live updates and presence information

Use push notifications for:

  • Notifying users of new messages when they’re not actively engaged with the app
  • Background notifications for events or updates
  • Server-initiated communication for special events or promotions
Feature WebSockets Push Notifications
Real-time communication
Bi-directional messaging
Background notifications
Message delivery guarantees


In conclusion, push notifications do not make WebSockets obsolete for a chat app with Flutter. Instead, a hybrid approach that leverages both technologies can provide a seamless and efficient chat experience. By using WebSockets for real-time communication and push notifications for background notifications, you can create a robust and scalable chat app that meets the needs of your users.

So, go ahead and implement WebSockets for your chat app, and use push notifications to enhance the user experience. Your users will thank you!

Frequently Asked Question

Are push notifications the new superheroes of real-time communication, making WebSockets obsolete for a chat app with Flutter? Let’s dive into the details and find out!

Do push notifications eliminate the need for WebSockets in a Flutter chat app?

Not entirely! While push notifications can handle certain scenarios, WebSockets are still essential for maintaining real-time connections and enabling features like live updates, typing indicators, and online presence.

Can push notifications replace WebSockets for handling messages in a Flutter chat app?

Not recommended! Push notifications are designed for notifications, not for delivering sensitive or confidential data like chat messages. WebSockets provide a secure and reliable way to exchange messages in real-time.

Do push notifications offer the same level of performance as WebSockets for a Flutter chat app?

No way! WebSockets provide a persistent, low-latency connection, enabling rapid and bi-directional communication. Push notifications, on the other hand, introduce latency and are not suitable for high-performance, real-time applications.

Can I use push notifications as a fallback for WebSockets in a Flutter chat app?

Now that’s a great idea! Implementing push notifications as a fallback for WebSockets can ensure that users receive important updates even when they’re not actively using the app. Just make sure to handle the complexities of syncing data and maintaining consistency across both channels.

Should I choose between push notifications and WebSockets or use them together in my Flutter chat app?

The winning combination! Using push notifications and WebSockets together can provide the best of both worlds. WebSockets handle real-time communication, while push notifications provide an additional layer of engagement and notifications. It’s a match made in heaven!