Django: Maintaining a Local Set of Migrations Differing from Upstream
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Django: Maintaining a Local Set of Migrations Differing from Upstream

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Are you tired of playing migration versioning tag with your Django project? Do you struggle to keep your local migration set in sync with the upstream repository? Worry no more! In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for maintaining a local set of migrations that differ from upstream, ensuring a smooth development experience and avoiding versioning headaches.

Why Do I Need to Maintain a Local Set of Migrations?

When working on a Django project, it’s common to have a local development environment that differs from the upstream repository. This can be due to various reasons, such as:

  • Customizations for a specific client or project
  • Feature branches or experimental features
  • Local debugging or testing environments
  • Team-specific workflows or configurations

In such cases, having a local set of migrations that differ from upstream allows you to make changes specific to your environment without affecting the main project. This approach ensures that you can work independently without interfering with the upstream repository.

Understanding Django Migrations

Before diving into maintaining a local set of migrations, let’s quickly review how Django migrations work:

Django uses a migration system to manage changes to the database schema. Each migration is a Python file that contains a set of operations to be applied to the database. These operations can include creating or altering tables, adding or removing fields, and executing raw SQL.

# Example migration file (
from django.db import migrations

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    initial = True

    dependencies = []

    operations = [
                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=200)),
                ('author', models.CharField(max_length=100)),

When you run `makemigrations` or `migrate`, Django creates or updates the migration files in the `migrations` directory within your app. These files are then applied to the database in the order they were created.

Creating a Local Set of Migrations

To create a local set of migrations, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new branch in your Git repository, e.g., `local-migrations`.
  2. Checkout the new branch and make changes to your models or schema as needed.
  3. Run `python makemigrations` to create new migration files specific to your local changes.
  4. Review and edit the generated migration files as necessary.
  5. Run `python migrate` to apply the new migrations to your local database.

By creating a separate branch, you can isolate your local changes and keep them distinct from the upstream repository.

Merging Upstream Changes into Your Local Branch

When the upstream repository is updated, you’ll want to incorporate those changes into your local branch. Here’s how:

  1. Checkout your local branch, e.g., `local-migrations`.
  2. Pull the latest changes from the upstream repository using `git pull origin main` (assuming the upstream branch is `main`).
  3. Run `python makemigrations –merge` to merge the upstream migrations with your local changes.
  4. Review the merged migration files and resolve any conflicts.
  5. Run `python migrate` to apply the merged migrations to your local database.

The `–merge` flag tells Django to merge the upstream migrations with your local changes, allowing you to integrate the upstream updates while preserving your local customizations.

Resolving Conflicts

When merging upstream changes, conflicts can arise due to differences in migration files or schema changes. To resolve these conflicts:

  1. Identify the conflicting migration files and compare them with the upstream versions.
  2. Manually edit the conflicting files to reconcile the differences.
  3. Run `python makemigrations –merge` again to re-merge the changes.
  4. Repeat the process until the conflicts are resolved.

Remember to carefully review the merged migration files to ensure that the changes are correct and don’t introduce unintended consequences.

Tips and Best Practices

To maintain a healthy local set of migrations, follow these tips and best practices:

  • Keep your local branch up-to-date: Regularly pull updates from the upstream repository to ensure you’re working with the latest changes.
  • Use a separate branch for local migrations: Isolate your local changes from the upstream repository to avoid conflicts and make it easier to merge changes.
  • Review and test merged migrations: Carefully review the merged migration files and test them thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.
  • Communicate with your team: Inform your team about your local customizations and migration changes to avoid conflicts and ensure a smooth collaboration.
  • Document your changes: Keep a record of your local changes and migration updates to facilitate knowledge sharing and troubleshooting.


Maintaining a local set of migrations that differ from upstream is a common requirement in Django development. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to keep your local environment in sync with the upstream repository while preserving your customizations. Remember to stay vigilant, communicate with your team, and document your changes to ensure a smooth development experience.

Command Description
python makemigrations Create new migration files based on model changes
python makemigrations --merge Merge upstream migrations with local changes
python migrate Apply migrations to the database

Now, go forth and conquer the world of Django migrations!

Frequently Asked Questions

Getting confused about maintaining a local set of migrations differing from upstream in Django? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate through the process.

What happens when I make changes to my local migration files?

When you make changes to your local migration files, they will no longer match the upstream migrations. This means that if you try to apply the upstream migrations, Django will detect the differences and raise an error. To avoid this, you’ll need to merge your local changes with the upstream migrations.

How do I merge my local migrations with the upstream ones?

To merge your local migrations with the upstream ones, you can use the `–merge` option with the `makemigrations` command. This will create a new migration that includes the changes from both your local and upstream migrations. For example: `python makemigrations –merge myapp`.

What if I want to remove a migration that’s no longer needed?

If you want to remove a migration that’s no longer needed, you can use the `–delete-branch` option with the `migrate` command. This will remove the migration from your database and from your migration history. For example: `python migrate –delete-branch myapp 0004_remove_unused_migration`.

How do I handle conflicts between my local and upstream migrations?

When you encounter conflicts between your local and upstream migrations, you’ll need to resolve them manually. This can involve editing the conflicting migrations to merge the changes or creating new migrations that resolve the conflicts. Be careful when resolving conflicts, as incorrect resolutions can lead to data loss or inconsistencies.

What are some best practices for maintaining local migrations differing from upstream?

Some best practices for maintaining local migrations differing from upstream include regularly reviewing and merging upstream changes, using version control to track changes to your local migrations, and testing your migrations thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.